Thursday, August 1, 2013

Peruvian culture

So this will just be some things I've done and things I've noticed. First off, my family listens to "golden disco" in the car and I have to keep myself from laughing at some of the songs! Also when you go someplace and you have to park the car a person will help guide you in and out and you pay them for this. I've noticed that many people here speak English because it is taught in most schools apparently. This is good and a little frustrating because when I want to speak in Spanish people see I struggle and just switch to English :( It's helpful sometimes though when I just don't understand what's going on. Something else too! When we leave the house my mom locks my closet! It's in the hall and not in my room but theres nothing good in there, just my clothes. And on our main door we have a normal lock, a deadbolt, a chain, and a bar that crosses the whole door frame! High security here. Also there's a flashlight in every room in case of earthquake. Tomorrow I have to go talk to the headmaster at my school and get assigned a class. Every class has a different color and homeroom that they stay in while teachers rotate and a different day for like gym class I think. Also, I had a rotary meeting yesterday which was boring but bearable. You have to pay if you want to eat dinner though which was new for all of us exchange students. That's all for now :)


  1. Yo soy Alicia. I hope Peru is fun and you get used to things.

  2. good luck at school hope you have fun -Rosa Patel
