Monday, August 26, 2013

Dos semanas de colegio

Ok so first you need to know that I wrote this on Friday in class so I hadn't had the weekend yet.... you'll understand.
I survived two weeks of school!!! It's still not too bad, I'm actually going to a classmate's birthday party this weekend so it should be fun. Usually communication with people isnt too difficult but sometimes I'll still not hear or understand something and usually I act like I do but if they ask a question and I don't understand it's fun to watch them all try to figure out how to explain it. I have a few actual friends here like of course MaFe my neighbor but also in school Mayra, Olenka, and Ishiro, but really everyone is nice to me. That's another weird thing, everyone is nice to each other here, I mean sure they still have their little groups but there's not really people that are more popular than others and no girls hate each other. (at least in my salon/classroom) It's nice, but kinda strange. Salons, by the way, are like in fifth grade when everyone got split into two separate rooms but here there's like 5 different rooms for one grade. Well in other news, lately my mom has been really overprotective, like she wont let me go spend the night at another exchange student's house (which everyone does) or meet people at a specific park because they sell drugs there and it's apparently close to a nightclub that lets in all teenagers regardless of age. She is letting me go to the birthday party though so I can't really complain and it could seriously be a lot worse.

So an update on this information, the party pretty much sucked because everyone was talking so fast and it was late so my brain was tired but it was something I suppose. I also went to a friends house to watch a movie with a few exchange students and it was awesome. uhmmmm I'm pretty sure that because of my mom there is now a new list of rules and I'm pretty upset about that because they're ridiculous, like the sleepover rule is real now, along with we are forbidden to surf without written information and stupid stuff like this! ugh  well also today is monday and i had a long weekend so i was *ahem* sick and my mom ended up calling a doctor to the house! which i guess is normal here but still!!! i told her it was just something i ate and i had a stomach ache but ever since her daughter had appendicitis she freaks out about abdomen pain apparently.  I found myth busters and the big bang theory on my tv so i guess today wasn't entirely horrid.  This week i think is just a normal week which is weird to think, like I'm kinda living a normal life here. Getting used to my life in Peru :)


  1. so you can't have sleepovers because it's a rotary rule or a house rule??? Man! And you need written permission to go surfing? Isn't it still too cold? I love the picture that you included (and your knees look cold :)) and you are adorable in your uniform! It sounds like you ARE having a normal kinda life for a kid who flew to Peru for a year! Keep your head up, kiddo-you have MANY more experiences waiting for you <3 Sam and Jayne send their love to you right along with Uncle Billiam's and mine XXOOXXOO

  2. yo soy monica hairfield. ¿ Comó son las escuelas en Perú?

  3. Soy Clara. I'm glad you made friends and had a great first two weeks of school!

  4. yo soy jorge what do you and your friends like to do
