Monday, August 5, 2013

Me llamo.....

One of the first things that the rotary told us was be prepared for people here to say your names differently than you're used to which I figured would happen anyway because of accents but I've got a nickname that's a little special. When I first arrived my dad called me henna and when he finally figured it out my sister told me that there's actually a word that sounds like that which is ajena. They said it meant to belong to someone which I thought was sweet, so when I looked it up and saw that it meant foreign/alien/strange/of another place, i was a pretty surprised! When I told Diana she was surprised too and now it's a joke between us all. Now my family calls me hannita which i think is super cute and my one friend so far calls me hannah montana griffyndor :)  We'll see what school friends call me soon, hope it's not alien!

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