Friday, August 9, 2013

Días difíciles

So I'm having my first bout of less-than-happiness. Not quite sad but maybe a little homesick and definitely overwhelmed. It kinda started with doing karaoke with my sister and our neighbor and i was kinda the odd one out cuz i couldn't sing in spanish so i felt kinda lonely and then the next day was just like all very spanish-intense situations and i felt really lost language wise. Like all of my confidence in my spanish skills is gone which is really frustrating cuz I've studied for five years and i could have total conversations in spanish in the states but here it's so much harder. I think it has to do with the speed and the accents but still i get so overwhelmed and my brain is exhausted from doing backflips trying to understand all day.  Also i feel really bad for my mom here too because she is always saying i look sad which I'm so not sad I'm just concentrating so hard to take everything around me in that i forget that she's  watching me trying to make sure that I'm happy. Even when i am happy tho I'm not a very expressive person, like i don't jump up and down when I'm excited, I'm really kinda calm and that's sooo not Peruvian culture. They're super expressive and you can always tell exactly how they're feeling which is different than how i act and what I'm used to. That's another thing that's kinda hard, not knowing how to act in all situations, like if I should be more or less formal or what is expected of me, and if I'm doing something wrong or not. I'm so unsure of everything and I feel kinda lonely too but thankfully we met up with some other exchange students last night and i talked to one girl who feels exactly the same as me. So i guess maybe it's normal to feel like this at this point and I'm sure it'll pass but that's kinda what's going on right now.


  1. I am soooooo enjoying your blog! Your experiences are much like mine. Sometimes it will be difficult, sometimes your brain will hurt, sometimes you will feel left out and misunderstood. But it wont always be like that! I can tell you are adapting well to your new environment. I think you are so brave and i'm so proud of you! I will live vicariously through your stories as i always wanted to have done this. I love all of your cultural observations! For me, this is what its all see how others live

  2. me llamo julia please don't be sad feel better,and i hope that feeling goes away.
