Monday, August 12, 2013


First day of school!!!! Gosh so much to say..... I'll start at the beginning. So I had to wake up and all that fun stuff and to school I wore the gym uniform because I couldn't buy the real one yet cuz the lady was on vacation and blah blah whatever. But there's two uniforms, the normal (blouse, skirt, knee socks, sweater) and the gym (basically a track suit and a certain color T shirt depending on your class (I'm orange!)) because every class has a 2 hour gym class one day of the week. I got put into class E and lucky me gym was today. But I'll start back at the beginning again, I get to school by basically short bus. It's kinda like a carpool in the type of van they use like at surfing or canoeing places to get everyone to the drop point. Today Diana came with me but on a normal day there's me, Gonzalo (he's in my grade), Angel (he was born in America and is half peruvian half argentinian), Alfredo (don't know much about him yet but he's nice), Gustavo (adorable 12 year old), and I think that's everyone- if not I'll fix it later. When we got to school everyone was kind of hanging out in a common courtyard and Diana, the other exchange student from Belgium -Colin- ended up in the headmaster's office. We waited there while some kind of ceremony was being held outside and when it was over we were taken outside and introduced in front of the whole 5th year (senior class). It was kinda weird and  embarrassing especially when people started shouting begging for us to be in their class but when it was over we all split off into out classrooms. When I went to my class I got introduced another time in front of everyone and some lady kept taking my picture. After this our classes started and the first one was physics. Whoo. It wasn't too difficult of a concept so I understood pretty easily but not having the work packet was an interesting challenge. After this was a 10 minute break during which I ordered my uniform (I get it Saturday!) and then English class!! The teacher got a buncha stuff wrong but whatever! My brain got an hour break and we read about Johnny Depp and Pirates of the Caribbean so I was content. Then lovely history during which we got assigned a group project which I decided my group mates can do the majority of :) and we talked about WWII.  After this we got a 20 minute break so I ate my sandwich and found the bathrooms. Since this only took like five minutes I started to wander around for a bit and then people started calling me over to meet their friends. I do not remember a single name. The campus of the school is pretty cool though and you can see mountains in the distance. You can kinda see them in this picture but I'll get a better one another day.
Anyway, after this break was the oh so wonderful gym class which started in the classroom for attendance and then we went out to the track. Yes, track. As in running. We did some stretches and half hearted sit-up type things and then we were told to get in groups of four and run a certain distance while the teacher timed us. Now running is horrible enough but when there's also boys standing on the sides of the track whistling at the girls as they run you can imagine my excitement. While we were waiting to take our turn it was fun just sitting talking with a bunch of people about America and Peru and everything. I did inevitably get asked if I have a boyfriend and all anyone was talking about was the prom coming up in December and who was going with who. I got asked like twenty times who I was going with and if it was Colin (the Belgian) and I just kept reminding them that it's my first day, I didn't even know where the bathrooms were let alone who I'm going to the prom with! This was also my response to the three boys who asked me to go with them. When it finally came our turn to go run we were all lined up and ready to go when a girl who ran the last time came back from the end and told me the teacher said that I didn't have to run if I didn't want to, to which I replied adios! and sat right back on down. I'm not a runner, but I am a gringa and if that get's me out of running I will embrace that with every speck of my being! I did do some physical exercise though, I played volleyball for like an hour with some girls. We got to choose between basketball (all the guys did that), volleyball (most girls did that), or nothing (everyone else). Be proud mom, I didn't choose nothing! But seriously, I actually had a lot of fun playing volleyball with them, I just had to remember to say afuera instead of out. And that's the end of the day! After this we had to go line up like apparently they do in the mornings and wait to leave the campus in a group. I had no trouble finding the bus so I felt pretty accomplished and was like the third one there. While we were waiting on the rest of the people though Angel got pooped on by a bird which apparently is good luck but if you ask me that's just gross. I saved the day with my little kleenex pack and I'm pretty sure that earned me some points with them so yay! Now Diana wasn't with me at this point, she left after we ordered my uniform to finish getting ready to leave for Germany tomorrow, but she was with me on the ride to school. What this means is the whole ride to school I said maybe two words the whole time because 1 Diana knew them and was reminiscing, 2 it was freaking early in the morning, 3 I was too busy looking at the ocean to talk. So it's safe to say they were pretty surprised when they realized I have the ability to speak when I was fine with talking on the way home. It was actually pretty fun talking to them all and I think that could be one of my favorite parts of my day.  
So there's a few other random things that may be worth mentioning, 
-The English teacher thinks you can say twenty oh three for 2003 and the seventeen of June.
-Nobody expects me to know ANY Spanish
-Actually no one expects anything from me (gym for an example)
-People think I'm white now cuz of my face but I keep saying wait till summer......
-Nobody believes that my eyes are real because they're blue and NOBODY has blue eyes here (it's super fun explaining that yes I do in fact wear contacts cuz I'm blind but no really I swear they're not colored, these are my real eyeballs)
-People really enjoy touching my hair but try to do it in secret, they fail
  And I think that's it! But besides my school stuff today I also have to mention that this is Diana's last night in Peru :(  I'm gonna miss her so much! She really has been like a real sister to me and there's no way I would be doing so great here without her. I don't know how I'm gonna do this without her!!!! I'll forever remember all the fun we had with our movie nights and spanish/english lessons <3 Love you so much Diana, good luck with your adventure!

1 comment:

  1. ¡Me alegro de que el primer día de escuela fue un éxito para ti! Me encantaría ir a una escuela en un otro país, pero me daría miedo. Es increíble que la profesora de íngles no sepa la lengua muy bien, pero es comprensible. ¡Buena suerte en clase!
    - Juliana
