Sunday, August 18, 2013


this weekend was rotary camp!!! It was so much fun!!! except for the fact that it was on the most intense incline ever and i nearly died daily. We went about an hour outside of lima and up into some small mountains. We were all amazed instantly because it was like summer time there!!! We finally got to wear shorts and even swim in a pool!! The nights were especially awesome, on the first night we just sat on the patios of our bungalow things looking at the stars and the lit up houses on the side of the mountain, it was sooooo beautiful. The other night we had a little discoteca party thing and that was a bunch of fun too. We also learned how to dance salsa and a short little choreographed dance which was awesome. There was a talent show before the dance which was amazing and i was gonna sing but two other girls and i decided to do an acrobatic thing instead. Everyone's act was so good and we just had so much fun. The daytimes kind of sucked though because they were full of lectures that we all had to fight to stay awake during but i think we learned some important stuff. We went over some customs that are important so we dont offend anyone such as always greeting adults and telling EVERYONE happy______ whatever holiday it is, how to stay safe in lima and during our travels or in the event of earthquake/tsunami. I feel a lot better knowing these things and more confident in like what i should do so i don't feel quite so lost now. Just hanging out during the day with the other exchange students was so much fun though! we spent most of our time in the pool just hanging out and going down the waterslide. there was also a high ropes course with no safety mechanisms at all (sorry mom) and I did like half of that which was a good and scary time. After this weekend im so sore!!!! From climbing the hill 5 million times, swimming and playing in a pool, the ropes course, and a very violent game that left me with giant bruises on each arm I'm ready to go to bed!! yay school tomorrow :P


  1. Qué interesante. Es increíble que has probado ceviche. ¿Lo recomendarías? Espero que Diana se sienta mejor. Me encantaría oir más sobre tu aventura. Me hubiera gustado haber ido contigo a Perú. Eres muy afortunada. Buena suerte con todo.

  2. Yo soy Victoria. Is school in peru fun?

  3. Yo soy Cristina. Me gusta ir de excursion en las montanas. Es muy divertido.

  4. Yo soy Ana. Esta muy intersante.
