Saturday, October 26, 2013


Thought I'd right a little about a typical saturday here in Peru with my family. So today I got up at like 7:30 and at 8:30 we headed out to the grocery store which of course is a lot different than back home. First off, it's ginormous. like a meijers on steroids. We started in the fruits and vegetables section where you put all of the food in bags and then go to a station in the center of it all where theres a guy inside a circle of electric scales and he just keeps going in circles printing off price stickers and sticking them on the bags to price them so when you go to the front it's already weighted and everything. After that we went around getting juice boxes for me to take to school, laundry soap, normal stuff like that. One thing that I'm not sure if we have are the juice flavors they have here. There's like apple and orange and normal stuff but there's also peach (which i hate), mango, and pear. So besides that I also thought it was kind of funny how my dad was organizing the cart like he was in a packing competition, stacking the fruit so nothing got squished, and then he just sticks a watermelon on top of it all! I was laughing a little at that :). After this we headed off to have "brunch" ( yes they call it brunch, not desayunmuerzo or something) with my mom's niece. It was nice and she was actually super nice and I really enjoyed talking to her. She lives in Iquitos too and we'll be heading there soon and she told me to call her when I go and maybe she can show me around or something which was really sweet of her. After this we came home and ate lunch which nearly killed me because I was so stuffed and then I headed out with my neighbor Mafe and we went to a fabric store for her to buy fabric for her Pre-prom dress which she is having special made because she's super particular about clothing and she knows what she wants. I wish I could be like that, I always end up buying two dresses because I'm so indecisive. Tonight I'll be going out with Mafe to a party which should be fun :) I'll get to meet her school friends. She says they all know about me because she talks about me but I have only actually met a few of them so far. I'm a little nervous but we'll see how it goes.


  1. Hola yo soy carlos de Lamphere high school en el clase de espanol esto muy interesante y fenomenol

  2. Hola yo soy cristina de lamphere high school en el clase de espanol tres ¿que come por almorzar?

  3. Hola Hannah, me llamo Jose, Como Estas?

  4. Soy Felipe de Lamphere High school y espero ir a un pais latino.

  5. Hi,Im Brendan Jones your trip sounds very interesting.

  6. Hola Hannah, Soy Liliana en el clase de espanol 3. I hope you are having fun in Peru!

  7. Soy Clara. I hope you had fun at the party you went to with Mafe!

  8. hola! me llamo consuelo. soyen la clase sexta hora de espanol tres! peru seems awesome have funnn

  9. Soy Carmela Marson, espanol tres. The store sounds really interesting and I hope you have a good rest of the trip!

  10. yo soy mateo, sound like you are having a lot of fun!

  11. ¡Que interesante! Soy Geraldo de Español IV. Sabado en Perú es muy diferente que Sabado en Los Estados Unidos. It sounds really fun, though.

  12. ¡Hola Hannah! Yo soy Mariana de Español IV. Creo que se está acostumbrar a la modo de ser en Perú.
