Monday, October 7, 2013

Primer Viaje parte 2

Ok so second day of the trip starts pretty early and we get in a bus and head back up the mountains. Eventually we get to this place called Colca Canyon where there are condors and it's super gorgeous. On this day it just so happened to be tourist day so there were a ton of people who live in the mountains there selling goods and giving out food and drinks for us to try. The condor isn't always there so we go really lucky when we got to see it a few times flying right by us. What wasn't so lucky is my camera died right before we got there so i could only use my phone to take pictures. After hanging out for a while at this spot we took an hour hike along the canyon which was gorgeous but i got a helluva sunburn which is still here.

From here we ventured on to Arequipa- the white city. Where we got a ton a free time which was nice. We stayed in a hotel which was walking distance to the plaza de armas and we took a few tours while we were there. In the plaza was the government building and a beautiful church which we ended up taking a tour of one day. A few of our other tours were to el convento de Santa Catalina, a llama farm, the mirador de yanahuara, and some famous historic houses.  

the church

the convent

the plaza


volcano Misti

llama farm

look out they spit

casa de something

yup i rode a horse. We stopped and you could go to a museum or ride a horse so I chose Marshmallow here. He decided however that it would be fun to take me not to the end point, but to run off with me into the back of the stable thing and a small child had to come rescue me.

After all of these adventures we headed down south even more to a city called Tacna. It's a lot smaller than Arequipa and Lima and is the last real city before you get to Chile. While we were here we also had a bit of free time which i used to go to a black market and buy a really cute purse. There were a few tours that we took here as well to see the city. The main things that are in Tacna are historical sites from this giant war that happened between Chile and Peru which Chile won. I'm pretty sure it was over some land but truthfully i wasn't that interested so i'm not the best person to ask about that. We just saw some houses where some papers were signed and that was all fine and dandy. Besides these places we also went to a train museum, and tried Tacna sour, which is a drink that you can only get in this city. Pisco is a type of alcohol that is made mainly here in Peru but apparently Chile likes to claim it as theirs. Anyway, Pisco sour is like THE alcoholic drink of Peru and the city of Tacna has their own version which we went to go try- with Rotary so it's all good ma. It was pretty good and they didn't make it very strong so it was pretty sweet. Finally we also went to a museum in Tacna where they show old hieroglyphics and where the people used to live. We had to cross this pretty sketchy bridge but it was kinda cool though. I felt like shrek though because it would sway when we walked!

On our second to last day we continued south to Chile. This was mainly to renew our visas but also to see a bit of Chile. We went to a city called Arica and as we walked down the streets we literally ran into a parade! oddly enough a parade of older women dressed as disney characters but we all just kinda jumped in with them and danced and had a really good time. Our tour guide wasn't so happy about the unexpected delay but whatever  it was super fun :)  After that we had an hour to do some shopping on the streets but everything in Chile is a lot more expensive than in Peru. We also went to a museum there where we saw 300 mummies! (speaking of, I forgot that in Arequipa we saw the mummy Juanita that was found on the mountain where she was sacrificed by the incans-i believe- and her body froze into a mummy.) While we were headed back to the bus to go home I ended up slipping next to a fountain and hitting my head on the fountain and the ground. That was a greeeeeaaaattt time. So i headed off to the hospital and got a ginormous shot of pain killers in my arm and some motrin and pain pills to take for three days. I mostly stayed in bed for our final day of viaje where everyone else had free time but it was ok with me, i was suuupppeeerrr tired. The next day we packed up all of our stuff and headed home :)  A pretty successful first trip if i do say so myself.


  1. ¡Me encantaría ir a latino américa ahora porque me gusta las llamas! Estoy muy contenta que estás teniendo un gran tiempo en Perú.

    1. Muchas gracias! sí, las llamas son muy divertidos pero no hay muchas en Lima, solo afuera de la ciudad :)

  2. Hannah, eres muy paleda, cuidado con el sol. :p jajajajaja. Las fotografías son bonitas. Me gustaría ver más fotos. Es increíble que se encuentras en Perú. No me digas que compraste una bolsa de el mercado negro. ¿Era borato? Si tendrás tiempo, envíeme una tarjeta postal :) te echo de menos.
    Un brazo, Isabela :)

    1. jajaja sí, mi quemadura del sol me duele mucho! Gracias, gracias. 12 soles, casi $5!!!! Yo también te echo de menos mucho! Buena suerte con todo allá <3

  3. good for you, hannah! now i wanna ride a llama tho...still waiting on my taquitos!!! keep having fun!!!

  4. ¡Hola!, Hannah. Me encanta leer sobre tus aventuras en Perú y cómo allí la vida es para ti. Me parece muy interesante. en su blog, leí que llame a su madre anfitriona tu mamá. ¿Es difícil para ti? Creo que sería difícil para mí llamar a otra mujer mi mamá. Estoy deseando ver y leer más acerca de su aventura. Esto será algo que nunca olvidará. Parece que estás viviendo a la sueño chica! Un abrazo!

    1. Muchas gracias. Sí le llamo mamá pero no es muy difícil para mi porque no es la palabra MOM, que uso para mi mamá en los estados. Es más como un apodo que uso para mi mamá anfitriona :) gracias :D

  5. ¡Me encanta que tienes una bandera de los estados unidos en algunos fotos! Tú eres una gran representante para nuestra país. Un día, espero que viaje a un país de Latíno Americano porque está teniendo un buen tiempo.
    - Juliana

    1. Muchas gracias, tratamos de incluir la bandera en la mayoría de las fotos con los estudiantes de los estados en lugares turísticos como este. Me gusta América latina mucho y si tienes la oportunidad recomiendo que viajes acá.

  6. jajaja fui al mercado negro con 2 amigos para seguridad y sí, era muy importante que compré una bolsa :D me divertí mucho con los caballos hasta el termino cuando mi caballo fue a un lugar donde no había nadie y pensaba que estábamos perdidos para siempre! No podía controlarlo pero un niño me salvó jajajaja

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  9. hola, yo soy David. ? Tu comiste el cuy?

  10. I go to Lamphere High School and i'm learning things in Espanol tres.

  11. Yo soy zacarias. Cual es el colegio?

  12. Yo soy Raquel Radick. I love your pics!
    Yo soy Sofia Vaughn Me gustan las llamas!

  13. yo soy monica hairfield. me gustan las llamas y montanas!
    soy Lola Diegel. Comiste cuy?

  14. yo soy silvia box. me gustan las montanas y las llamas.

  15. yo soy magelena montie. ¡me gustan las llamas! ¡yo quiero un llama!

  16. Hola Hannah, mi nombre es Teresa, es muy fantastico y las montanas es super grande!

  17. i like llamas # llams for days

  18. The Arequipa looks mucho beautiful. i would like to visit it.

  19. This trip seems like a lot of fun! -Dora

  20. Yo soy Lolita. That looks really fun.

  21. This trip sounds really fun the city looks beautiful. -Andrea Carney

  22. me gustan las llamas- Rosa Patel and Andrea Carney

  23. I miss you and love you!! Think of me on christmas! I can't stop thinking that day that you come home! <3
