Monday, October 14, 2013

Fashion for Aunt Shannon

So I suppose I'll start with the thing that Peruvian fashion is most known for which would be the chullos, or the knit hats that cover the ears and have like braids or strings hanging down. People don't use them a ton, especially in Lima because it doesn't get super cold here like it does up in the mountains where the chullos are more popular. Another thing similar to the hats are alpaca hair sweaters and scarves. You can find them at pretty much any market in Lima or anywhere in Peru really. An alpaca sweater is one of the things that I definitely want to get while I'm here but I haven't gotten one yet. The winter is pretty much over here now though so I'll wait until it's back again :)    But thinking of buying things I could mention money here. They use the nuevo sol here and for an idea of what it's worth 20 soles is 7.23 dollars. And pretty much everything is 20 soles. Things are priced here as if they were dollars, like a sweater in the states would be like 35 dollars and here it's 35 soles ($12.65) It's funny because I think being here has made me cheap because 35 soles is like a lot to me now! But when you think 12 dollars that's nothing, especially for a really nice alpaca sweater! I've been working on the whole bartering thing too which is a fun time for me and my friends are sometimes impressed when I get a really good price and I give all the credit to spanish class mercado. When we went to the black market I was with my friend who doesn't speak much spanish and he wanted a watch and asked me to talk to the guy for him and get a good price. The vendor started at 50 and I said 40, he 45, me 40, he 43 and we ended at 42 which is a pretty decent deal for a (probably fake/stolen) underwater, light up, adidas watch. But aannnyywwwaaayyy back to fashion :) So besides the people who live in the mountain and use the chullos and the native women in their floor length colored skirts and traditional hats, people pretty much wear the same stuff as us on normal days. People go with jeans, a jacket, basic stuff.  :)    Hope this satisfies you Aunt Shannon hahahaha love you!!!