Thursday, July 4, 2013

Peru Prep

Yay shots! Yesterday I went to the travel health office and spoke to a nurse all about how to stay healthy while I'm away. I got a shot for Yellow Fever which is strictly required by Peruvian officials (all students and travelers to Peru MUST get this shot) and also got a meningitis shot. She gave me Typhoid medicine to take starting today and several prescriptions, one for antibiotics in case I get like an upper respiratory infection, one for altitude medication for Macchu Picchu, malaria pills for the jungle, and medicine to relieve travelers diarrhea for the first few weeks of my trip. I think I'll also probably take tylenol with me and allergy medication as well.
 I (and my mom and sister) have also been working on gifts to take with me to give to the people I meet. Rotary gave me many american flag pins but I'm also going to make these really cute red, white, and blue bow pins and give them to people like other exchange students. My sister is working on some red, white, and blue bracelets made from cotton thread stuff and pretty beads. They're pretty awesome because I think they're good for boys and girls.
 I got my flight information finally!!!! I leave July 27th in the morning and land in Ft. Worth, Texas for a layover. I then will meet up with a girl from British Columbia and we will wait there for about 7 more people from all around who are going to Peru with us. We then leave in the afternoon and arrive in Lima at nearly 1 in the morning. The day we arrive (July 28) is the Peruvian Independence day so there will be big parties everywhere and parades in the streets. It may be a bit difficult to handle the jet lag because I'm sure when I get there I will want to stay up and talk with my family and see the house but if I have any hope of participating in all the festivities I'll NEEEEED the sleep.


  1. Hola, soy Esmeralda en el clase de Espanol 3 de Lamphere High School. I hope you have had a lot of fun in Peru! I enjoy reading your blog!

  2. yo soy Mateo, hope you have fun in Peru. Make sure to have a good time on peruvian independence day!

  3. The bracelets and stuff sound like a good idea :) -Elena

  4. Yo soy Juan Avery. The bracelets are a good idea.

  5. thats a little scary with all shots and different drugs you need to bring. its true though i got a really bad stomach flu when i went to the dominican republic. -Miguel K
