Saturday, December 21, 2013

Fiesta de la Promocion

Wednesday night was my prom here!!!!  So lets start with what i wore, I was going to wear a really pretty blue prom dress sent to me from home but the package never got here!!! So, i had to improvise with a dress i already had here and borrow shoes, buy jewelry and all of that fun stuff. It ended up urning out alright though :)  I got ready with another girl from the states and we had a great time. I met with my prom date and his best friend and we headed off to the prom location. Here in Peru the boy gives the girl a corsage but the girl normally does not give one to the boy, so I have one with a fake flower which apparently is more popular here than real flowers. Anyway, we get there and there is a professional photographer out front and he takes a picture of everyone with their date and alone and then when we get inside its super pretty so we took a few more pictures ourselves before going in. The actual prom was held under like a giant tent with a dance floor and tables around it  on the grass, which was difficult because our chairs kept sinking into the dirt all night!  So when we for there at like 9 people just kind of socialized and took pictures and that fun stuff and then dinner was served around 11:30 or so -I was dying- and it was some really weird food that i didn't even really eat. After that the dancing began and there was an open bar which shocked me but hey, alright Peru. So from that point on into the wee hours of the morning we just kept dancing and talking and it was a great last night to be with all of my peruvian friends together. Prom here ends at 6 in the morning! That was actually hard for me because around 2 i was about done for the night. But I pushed on, and made it all the way to the end!! When it ended the majority of people took buses back to the villas, which is a place thats like a gated military community where most of the students of my school live, but a few just called taxis to come and get them. I went back in the bus to the villa with all of the exchange students and from there we separated and went back home.  I got home at like 8 and after some breakfast and changing out of my dress I slept and slept and slept. My goodness was I exhausted! But i really did have an amazing time even if everything didn't go according to plan :)  Too bad in peru you only get to go as a senior!!!

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