Sunday, November 24, 2013


I know I haven't finished about my trip yet but today was election days and there was a few interesting things that I thought I should mention. First of all you HAVE to vote, there's no option here. If you don't vote you have to pay a fine of like $30-$60 depending on the importance of the election. Also, voting is very fast here and only takes like 5 minutes in and out. My mom here said that she hates voting and normally writes in "waste of time" on the ballot and votes for that because there's soooo many candidates and she does't know anything about any of them. It's not like in the states where there's coverage on tv of who the candidates are and what they want to do, if you want to know about them, you have to really do your research and a lot of people can't be bothered to do so. Finally, they do not sell liquor, and it is prohibited by law to have parties or gatherings on the day of and the days before election day. I guess they don't want any disturbances nor people going to vote drunk. The liquor law might be the same in the states but I'm not entirely sure. So yeah, just thought that was interesting :)

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