Monday, September 16, 2013

Algunos Pensamientos

It's been quite a while since I've written anything so I thought I'd just write down a few things that have been going on and random stuff sooo enjoy....
-You have to turn on and off the hot water
-Mistura is a giant food festival here that apparently is really cool but I didn't make it
-Yo Soy, Combate, y Esto es Guerra are the major shows here; yo soy is a singer imitator competition and the other two are basically the same just physical competition shows but people love one and hate the other (i was in the audience for Esto es Guerra)
-People ride around on bike carts selling ice cream and bread
-Snapping at waiters is acceptable here
-Karaoke is very Peruvian
-There is workout equipment in parks
-Before military school nearly every day there is "formation" which is super boring
-It really sucks when you forget who people are but they always say hi to you
-Blackberries are the most popular phone
-I got a higher grade on my physics test than some of the real students!!
-Spanglish is starting to be my primary language of thought rather than english so progress
-Being on exchange kind of makes you crazy because you realize you will never see these people again so you can do what you want
-We played jump rope with a broken garden hose at gym today
- There was a mass during formation last week 
-I think I'm going to ask someone about their religion tomorrow
-I eat for breakfast a pear and special k cereal (it's kinda different) snack during school a "sandwich" (bread and american cheese) and a cereal bar, when i get home at 4 something like a piece of chicken, rice, and vegetables and then for dinner either left overs or a tortilla (omelet type thing with tuna) or some bread or something. 
And i think that's it for now :)